Liam McNeely


Liam represents individuals and corporate clients in a wide variety of commercial litigation matters. He regularly litigates employment disputes on behalf of both employers and employees, breaches of partnership agreements, shareholder disputes, and professional negligence claims relating to investment advisors, real estate professionals, accountants, and construction professionals.

Liam has appeared before the Ontario Superior Court, the Ontario Labour Relations Board, and the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. He has made submissions to all levels of court in Ontario, including the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal, and regularly counsels clients through complex civil procedures, arbitrations, and mediations.

Liam received his Bachelor of Arts with honours from Carleton University with majors in law and political science. He received his Juris Doctor from Lakehead University’s Bora Laskin Faculty of Law and completed his integrated practice curriculum at Paris & Sayer LLP in 2017. In 2018, Liam completed the Toronto Lawyers Association certification program for Advanced Skills in Civil Litigation. He is a member of the Ontario Bar Association and The Advocates’ Society.

Outside of the office, Liam enjoys sailing on Lake Ontario and a good game of beach volleyball.

LIAM’S Notable Decisions

  • Successfully resolved a partnership dispute involving the failed exercise of a right of first refusal and subsequent application to dissolve a partnership and appoint a Sales Officer to liquidate the partnership, which allowed our client to sell its interest for fair market value and avoid potential foreclosure proceedings (unreported, 2021).

  • Acted on the Commercial List for a corporate partner in a multi-party dispute over the enforcement of a right of first refusal within a partnership agreement after a third party offered to purchase our client’s shares. The Court ordered the transaction to proceed (2020 ONSC 1139).

  • Successfully defended a Mareva injunction that would have frozen our client’s assets and bank accounts (2018 ONSC 6921).

  • While acting for an employer, wholly resolved the issues in an OHSA-related application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board, thereby avoiding the cost of a multi-day hearing (2019 CanLII 91321).

  • Successfully represented an applicant employee seeking damages for unpaid commissions before the Ontario Labour Relations Board by persuading the Board that the employer’s practices and a formula in the employment agreement entitled the employee to larger commissions than the employer had paid (2018 CanLII 117085).

  • Acted on behalf of two partners in a family law firm involved in a contentious partnership dissolution with a third partner, including successfully resisting several interlocutory motions later upheld by the Divisional Court and Court of Appeal (unreported, 2019).