Zach Parrott


As an experienced commercial and civil litigation lawyer, Zach has represented businesses and individuals in a variety of matters, including shareholder and contractual disputes, oppression claims, regulatory and employment issues, and defamation cases.

Before joining Paris & Sayer LLP, Zach clerked for the judges of Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice in the Central West Region, researching, editing, and advising on all aspects of civil litigation, criminal law, family law, administrative law, and appeals to the Divisional Court. His firsthand knowledge of the judicial process, including the research and reasoning behind judicial decisions, gives Zach insight into how best to present your case.

Before clerking, Zach summered in the Enforcement Branch of the Ontario Securities Commission and worked with several community legal clinics. He appeared on behalf of clients in the Ontario Court of Justice as part of Downtown Legal Services’ Criminal Law Division and was a member of the Senior Board of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law Review.

Zach has a J.D. from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Law. He also holds a Master of Arts degree from Trent University in Canadian Studies and Indigenous Studies, as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario, with an Honours Specialization in History and a Major in French. Before law school, he worked as a writer, editor, and cultural programmer.

Off the clock, Zach enjoys cycling, board games, and completing his many DIY projects.

ZACH’S Notable Decisions

  • In the context of a class action certification motion, resisted a plaintiff's refusals motion and brought a successful cross-motion to compel the plaintiff to answer his own refusals from cross-examinations. The motions were argued over two days and involved nine sets of counsel representing 15 parties (2023 ONSC 6827).

  • Obtained an urgent ex parte Norwich order against an Ontario-based VoIP telephony service to identify an anonymous user who was harassing and threatening employees of Bungie Inc., a major video game developer based in the United States (2022 ONSC 4181).

  • Obtained an order dismissing a $53,000,000 claim as a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) and obtained an order for full indemnity costs in the proceeding (2020 ONSC 1828, unreported).

  • Obtained a judgment on appeal finding that a commercial tenant had not been knowingly deceptive to landlord (2021 ONCA 169).